Last week, I signed up on a new web forum. On registration, the following text popped up:
To enhance our site security, your password must be a minimum of eight characters long, contain one upper case letter, a number and a special character.
I signed up for the site, but wondered later just how much more effective this style of password was. I’ve seen that same text on multiple sites and where I work, we have the same password policy in place. I simply wanted to see how much more effective that enforced password policy was. Plus, I wanted to confirm that we were taking proper steps to protect our users.
I composed the below Excel chart over a lunch break and the results shocked me. While a “perfect” password had over six quadrillion combinations, a policy enforced password of the type described above was actually less than half as good as a purely lower case one that we’d been warned against using.
As a simple example, the entirely lower case password robocat is more than twice as effective as $5Montyz
I ran a series of combinations and found overall that passwords where content was not dictated by policy were more effective than those that were.
I had a hard time seeing the overall impact, so I added a money column as everyone can relate to cash. If a perfect password was worth $100,000 then a policy enforced password was only valued at $1.62 where an entirely lower case password was equivalent to $3.43.
Random generation of a password is the typical way to get around this. However, a password of R#<,.mL6 will only result in it being written onto a sticky note then being placed on their monitor.
To generate a password of reasonable effectiveness (and also being user friendly) an upper and lower case password should be used in place of a policy dictated one. Plus, a longer password or passphrase would be much better than a short one.
Using the same logic as above, the passphrase MyCatIsQuiteCute a sixteen character upper and lower case password would be worth $46,884,649,035,711,300.
NOTE: This is by no means an exhaustive analysis. This is a oversimplified demonstration based purely on the mathematical number of possible combinations. Many other factors would come into play in real life.
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